Monday, April 5, 2010

Its that time of the year again

So when I say "its that time of the year again" I mean that the Stanley Cup playoffs are just around the corner, 12 of the 16 playoff teams have already been decided ( including 7 out of 8 in the western confrence) and most teams have 4 or less games left in the season before the "real season" starts.

Now for those of you who know me, I am a very passionate San Jose Shark fan and will be cheering for them throughout the entire playoffs and to their first Stanley Cup. Thats right, I am already going to say that the SJ Sharks will win the Stanley Cup this year. They will have a photo that looks something like this:
I am however getting too far ahead of myself, one of my favourite rounds of the stanley cup playoffs would be round 1 because everyone is fresh and there are 16 teams alive and kicking. For the most part if you make it into the playoffs you can make a prety decent arguement on why you can make it to round 2 or even further. The exception would be in the eastern confrence where whom ever gets the 8th seed is going to face the Washington Capitals. I am going to say right now that the 8th seed in the eastern confrence wont make it to round 2.
So once the final seeds have been planted for both confrences I will make another blog post on who I think will win and in how many games.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Nathan! We'll be rooting for the Sharks right along with you, and hoping that your predictions for them come true!

    Love you!
    Grandma and Grandpa
