Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowboarding at its finest (just kidding)

so I have been into this little thing called snowboarding for the past 3 weeks or so and now I have got some pics of what it is like. Today the weather was mostly good, just foggy in some areas. I took all of these pic on the single chair lift (one of two in north america) the fourth photo is my fav, it has everything in it and you can see very clearly what the traffic is like during a busy cordova saturday (we are talking like 30 people showed up today). I am really starting to love this place now that I have something to do, I feel less fat and much happier in general.


  1. Wow! Lots of SNOW, which I guess is good for snowboarding! And I'm sure that it's a terrific workout! I'm glad that you found something to do that you enjoy!
    See you really soon!

  2. ya that last picture is freakin amazing.. its my favourite too :) i'm glad ur not feeling fat and lazy anymore... its no fun feeling that way (believe me i know that feeling all too well).

