Thursday, April 22, 2010

New house and room

bathroom floor
shelves that I made
my full closet

my room with a canuck towel for some reason? :)

this wall is more like it :)

So for those of you who are well informed with my life you know that because of one reason or another i have had to move to a new house. Here are some pics of the place, I love the place so far and my room feels like a real bed room.


  1. Yay, Nathan!!

    Your room looks great!! And it must feel SO good to have all of your stuff, finally!!

    I love your Sharks wall, and the light sabres in your shelving units!

    BTW, I also love the new pictures at the head of your blog! :)

    Thanks so much for doing this!!

    BTW, the Sharks won tonight - a shut-out!!

    Love you!

  2. It's so nice to know that those wire cube organizers have a new lease on life : )
